What is your morsel

What would you for your anointing sell

What doth make you compromise

And flirt with fires of hell.

What hunger within you craves

Things that do not satisfy

But end up in the graves.

What is your morsel

What distracts you great

Forgetting what you are called for

On Gods blessings you do not wait

What takes your desire to pray

Has you wasting time each day

Missing out on precious moments

Caused by delay.

What is your morsel

is it career, husband or friend

Is it money,

your belly, craving sweet honey

the approval of a friend

loneliness to end.

What is your morsel?

Esau's morsel was the stew

Being satisfied in his flesh

Was his undo

Losing his rightful place

He had to run a long race

It could have been as easy

as step one to step two

ask God to deliver you

from your morsel of stew

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