The western world has drowned
Into the Image-in-a-nation of clone clowned
Copy cats purring drones
Imagination unoriginal
But echoes of subliminal control
Blind- blind west
Show boys and show girls
Pied the lied to, into a widows nest
For the real men are gone on an identity quest
Ravished daughters seven to one scrounge for what is left
Can-can dancers lift up blood stained skirts
and media Fans fan faster cooling our conscience to dirt
Blinders on in a tunnel of warped vision
The full horizon of reality sun has risen
And we are still sleeping
What will it take for us to arise
What will it take to open our eyes from deceptive
Dreams so sweet we wake up with cavities
Too much candy isn’t good for the body
even a bee can’t eat all that honey
How we have bowed to the jolly green giant called money
Like jesters in his court, we play the fool for his sport
Laying down, bodies, family, conscience and time, especially time
At the alter of the mammon shrine.
The alter where we offer our soul
Is the alter that will alter the destiny of that same soul
For pretense we outwardly show up at temples to pacify our core
And tip the basket as it passes by
Like paying on insurance for we really want to drive wild
Never intending to stop at signs
To yield to or cruise to the precepts of bible lines.
The signs of the times are everywhere
The deaf stop the ears of the hard of hearing
and the blind turn off the lights to the self-centered uncaring
as we say yahoo, riding high on the golden bull sitting gyrating
yee haw ha-ha, is the mocking last laugh
as the truth throws you on your back whip lash
are you awake yet
hello, wake up honey
this is the final showdown
the last days have ground
time to decide who’s side you are on