Long forlorn sighs

He was a simple man in common garments
a soft face with barren features
Surges of panic and terror ripped
through her cocky comfort
She recalled, as if in previous lives,
His scowl. His crestfallen stare.
His deft touch, eons and lightyears
From what?
The man looked at her, no emotion
bubbling through his lips or eyes.
Each one knew of the pointless bygones.
He spit on the ground and turned away.

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lynpi's picture


(I'm really no good at dis reviewin' shi' - but ya got me - sheeeeeeee-it      ptui!)


here fishy fishy....  (more comments)

lynpi's picture

Gawd -

I'm a fuckwit

WillyJWilliamson's picture


HATE this poem. One of the worst I've written.

lynpi's picture

I head cocked to side....

U hate it, yet u post?