To Clare:

i made up a song in the depths of my mind

it fell out at the sound of your voice

i wish that there would be a chance

in the world; but know there is none

thank you for everything you've shown me

and giving me reason to go on

without the light of your smile

i would not have given in

i would have given up everything

and did

but now i feel it's for nothing

and have no feeling

you made me so happy

you wouldn't know how much you did

i wish i could show you

but i know i must not

i must not show you

how much i cared about you

how much i care about you

i must not show you

how when i was with you i could feel whole

how when i was with you-

our story has come to an end for now

at least this chapter in it

even if it wasn't right

you showed me what it's like

to care for someone other than-

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