Trisha M Barrek Hopkins
There's cobwebs over your eyes
And dust in your mouth
The tears you no longer can cry
You feel your heart going south
Wondering which direction to go
You look in the mirror at your reflection
But that person no more do you know
You no longer know how to give affection
You struggle everyday
With everything around you
You don't know what to say
With the ones that show love
You don't know what to do
The cobwebs are gray and thick
Tears can not come through
No matter how hard you try
You remain down and blue
And your eyes remain dry
You try to talk it out
But nothing comes out right
And towards you others shout out loud
And it always turns to a fight
You have no clue to how to fit a crowd
So you close yourself off
Getting close to anyone you don't allow
remembering the soft
The moment from the beginning is gone
trying to figure out what happen with each other
what could possibly went wrong
But still you can live with no other
Hes the one is strong
The way you feel is holding you down
You cant leave
so you sit with a crooked frown
and you heart once again bleeds
to be continued i got writers block....hope you like it so far...