It's late at night and I read
the moon and stars above me
lit cancer stick in my lips
and I'm scowling and squinting
trying to keep my eyes from burning
when the smoke rolls into them
I'm doing nothing important
just coasting by as usual in this life
and I think the best things in life
are not easy to obtain, and most are free
but throw away is the foundation of belief
hearts and dedication mean little to nothing
everyone hurts, but they buy and trade and want
always wanting, striving to get the latest
when even the latest is obsolete
True happiness is dead, and buried
unless you disconnect from the bs
decide to chase your dream, your calling
regardless of financial gain
be who you want to be and who you know
is inside longing to simply be and function
in the manner you were made for.
Me, I am an unmotivated artist that creates not for others
so much as for my own mental maintenance and balance
It is therapy that repays instantly, and I almost never
know what I am about to create, it pours from me
sometimes disturbing, sometimes in my eyes garbage
but others, I impress and thrill my eyes and self esteem
It's a part of who I am.
The core... the most important piece.
If I conform, I sacrifice what it takes to know this
about myself, and to pursue and maintain my view
and I effectively sell that part, that beautiful, unique fragment
to the world at large, to this society that keeps us all safe
so we get along, and we prosper as a species
but a cog in the machine, that cares not for you , or you, or me.
But for the competition, and to measre falic status
proof that you ARE a better version of the same species, that
in the evolution game, you are king by holding the most
of an imagined thing, this paper, this digital record, credit
useless if the world falls apart, and I choose not to compete
Only to effectively ride out my days in this debacle
and stay under the radar but happy doing what I know I was meant to do
So long as the rest of this spiralling, corrupt, fake, and desasterous world of man
doesn't try to keep me from being me.
I could care less to be “rich”
I'm no better than him, her, that guy, you, them I'm only the best me if I know
ME in the first place.
Wake up world. Mankind RIP
"Holy Ranting and Raving Batman!"
Sorry for the pressure release on this one... but the world at large is so bright, yet so, SO incredibly stupid and blind to the obvious, and I feel the need to yell about it every now and then. Thanks if you read through it... Don't run... Really... I'm not nuts.
I have many of the same
I have many of the same thoughts so glad someone else can see through the bullshit! Enjoyed this it bodes well with my current frame of mind! Hugss!
Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS
"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."