I Methed Up Once

I get like this,
When, I have given in.
Taste a little bit,
And I give in, again.
I sell off, the smallest parts,
Of who I used to be and,
The worst part,
Comes at the cost,
It happened so quickly,
Before I knew what I’d done,
I gave in for nothing in return
It won’t, give me what I want.
The small parts,
Begin to add up believe me.
It takes, it breaks you up,
And patiently takes
It wants each and every piece.
The whole of me,
Began with a hole in me,
And soon, soon there is nothing.
Not one shred of who I could’ve become,
Not a glimmer of who I was once,
Before I gave in, before I gave up,
And it only took just once

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SpecialSense's picture

I love this one, too!

I love this one, too! Especially the use of punctuation.

WhatIAmOrWillBe's picture

I am flattered

Thank you for taking time to read so many of my writings! I am begining to feel as though I might have a fan. LOL. Honestly though, I do appreciate the posts, as they encourage me to continue to write what is on my mind. You too kind.


allets's picture

Wholes and Holes

Just once takes a toll. LSD was the drug of choice for my gen. Just once with Thylidamide and your children look like deep sea creatures... one hit and the flashes never go away, Meth-put a hand through a wall and feel nothing...hell's door says: "Fools Welcome". I tried mary jane once, I don't like anything altering my already intersting mode of perception...Be well - Lady A