Memo to Taj@Vanguard

The Dakini Project


RE: The Brilliant "Buy up all the lighters in the world" Idea we discussed earlier...


I know what you're thinking... that lady is crazy... but maybe in the right way... hear me out...

This morning I paid $7.99 for a pack of 5 lighters @ the Bashas in town, something I used to pay $2.99 for @ the Walmart across the street where I haven't bought them recently because I hoarded them years ago and finally nearly almost ran out... Survival tip #1 Never forget to say your prayers... Survival tip #2 Never let the fire go out... unless you can shoot fire out of your fingertips... 


hmmm let's call it My Sweet Dakini's Mutual Fund...

taglined "Plenty to Have, Plenty to Give Away"...



PS - You might not always carry an ember around in your pocket, but someday you might have to start a fire...

and one more thing... the one calling himself robinhood is an imposter... THE Robin Hood would never demand anyone bend the knee... which leads me to Survival tip #3 Never cooperate with the forces of Tyranny & Oppression...

rsvp... I just got the meaning of surreal...

and signs & portents...



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Hey Taj@Vanguard...


go Google "gigantic jets spotted over Himalayas"...

and then come back here and tell me my lighter idea is a bad one...


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RE: to the guy who just pm'd me...


you're right...

dragons don't need lighters either...

ok Mr.SurvivorFan... I'm gonna tell you the same thing I told the guy who just pm'd me... you cannot light a bowl with flint...