Circular File #2

The Dakini Project


until further notice...

all Dailies should be sent over to...

or else you can imagine your naked body floating upon the surface of a smooth calm ocean...

while practicing the great bliss of the lower gate...

it is I your Aunt Flo...

let me out of the bloody gate ...

stop I have to get in the shower...

daemon says he will be bringing the dragons...

damon says he will be bringing the nose...

and we all know why...

the rare pink elephant...

I'll have it rare...

no you donk I said rare rare pink elephant...

did he say donkey...

says he's the rightful heir to the iron chair...


no they called it a chair back then...

back when...

has anybody seen her...

pink pencil ...

with the fuzzy thing on the end...

yeah it's in her closet...

Slattery found under a pile of dirty hippies at The Sherry's Nether End...

nah that's right...

quick somebody call Don and Peggy...

don't tell Joan...

c'mon guys we've got to finish scene 12,367...

let's get it together... 

everyone is waiting on us...

living all together...

oh look the Brady bunch is on on Pluto...

people say we monkey around...

Hagrid needs the flying monkeys for...

a reshoot for...

the remake of...

she's playing the part of Dorothy...

I don't know... 

something like The Whiz of Oz...

that doesn't look right... 

nah that's right...

you can get it on VHS down at ..

The Sherry's Nether End ..

the girl that looks like Daenerys...

nah that's right...

we should check IMDB...

or Wikipedia...

is about to sleep with the guy that looks like Jon Snow...

Bodhisattva Bank...

My Sweet Dakini Savings & Loan...

DurgaMaa's Domestic Goddess Laundromat...

Laxshmi Mutual Funds...

the queen who never was...

oh girl never call him that...

like a cross between Catelyn Stark and Samwise Tarley's sister...

never call him that either...

girl those long white dreads... 

and all those silver braids flying around... 

close your eyes Ms D...

sword right through the heart...

omg did you see how big that dragon dingaling was...

turn that fucking data stream off so she can get some sleep...

hey hot new-age Jesus...

but she likes the dolphin noises...

and the one from that great big tank in Japan with those huge...

I thought they were whales...

and the deep om... 

in the underwater bedroom...

spaceship bedroom...

oh look Star Trek is on...

is it the episode with the tribbles...

those are guinea pigs...

oh look Phumba got a cameo in HotD...

is that some new guy she's dating...

there's a pink panther on the patio... 

oh look kitty2 is back... 

did you guys see a trio of tykes run through here .. 

oh look it's Peter and the imp...

who's that guy with them...

I think it's an ad for peanut butter... 

is Hunter back with the Nutella... 

he forgot it...

there were only 2 things on the list... 

oh and they were out of batteries... 

I saw a rechargeable one on Amazon... 

maybe the doordash guy can deliver it... 

I don't wanna grow up... 

I'm a toys r us kid... 

conjunction junction... 

shake rattle and roll...

oh look she has American graffiti on vinyl...

get down to that kitchen and wash those pots n pans...

shake rattle and roll...

look I found a pair of saddle shoes in the back of her closet...

you can wear them with that poodle skirt and cashmere sweater...

aieee it's sooo fuzzy...

put it in the fridge, makes it real fuzzy...

look it's Kristy McNichol in a movie from the 80s...

with that girl from twin peaks 

oh Johnny knows her...

she lives over on 21 jumpstreet... 

and who's that unbelievably hot guy with her...

he works at the circus...

oh I know him...

he cleans the bathrooms at the Walmart in Taylor...

he's out working on the well right now...

why do you think Ms D keeps going out there to see if she "left the hose on"...

I don't care how many dead mice you leave by your bowl it will never be ok to get on the kitchen counter...

she says she's getting a cramp from typing with one finger...

baby aspirin...

she needs Daario to bring it to her...

there's a bidding war over the rights to the biopic of the making of her movie ....

oh girl that's us...

let's watch...

see if she remembers...

she can't get to the good stuff...

dammit I just had it out in the garden...

she's been doing that all day... 

starts laughing hysterical... 

and then nothing...

reducing stiffness and discomfort... 

that doordash guy is here again...

she wants a Tillamook mudslide now...

with 3 shots of Bailey's and 3 shots of espresso...

I think she's waking up...

we're out of Bailey's, page the doordash guy...

he gave her the keys to el dorado...

her son was born down there...

with the el camino you ordered from the 1970s...

the metadata stream has broken through the levee...

when the levee breaks...

Ms D spotted in a limo with Robert plant... 

blaring from the sun roof...

oh look it's the honey drippers 

on vinyl...

heading in the direction of the sea of love...

Ms D just texted... 

she's on her way home...

it looks like the one Edward gave Bella...

I saw it on Instagram this morning...

yeah I don't like that guy...

he's too old for her...

I think it's a remake from a song on American graffiti...

on vinyl...

does anybody know where her record player from when she was a kid is...

in the back of her closet...

next to her Rickie Lee Jones album...

she's had since she was a kid...

on vinyl...

give me that...

how come he don't come...

round here no more...

dios mio somebody got peanut butter on the fuzzy white couch... 

all this can go to the burn barrel...

he must be new... 

honey we don't throw anything away around here...

she might need it later...

like the time Hunter tried to sneak the 1st draft notes for the first draft of the lotus pad on her first laptop out to the burn barrel... 

that was bad...

she didn't speak to him for weeks...

weeks! girl she still won't talk to him,

so don't touch nothing...

wait for it...

sax solo...

sway with me baby...

put it on loop Johnny...

or hand it to the unbelievably hot guy from lost boys who played the sax at the beach party...

that guy's out working on the well too...

reorder Plutos moons and Saturns rings...

reorder pads of pink paper and 100 packs of pink ink pens...

yeah we should just put all of that on subscription...

oh look mood sells on Amazon now...

don't you touch that...

quick distract her while I change records...

thank God there's no repeat button on that old record player... 

I think they used to call them phonographs...

oh look it's got a big horn on top...

o means off right...

here Kitty, where have you been...

aieee somebody needs to do the dishes...

call Hagrid stat tell him to send somebody over here right away...

I'll try running it through elvish first,

see if it makes any sense... 

do it D... 

just toss the whole pile up in the air... 

trust me...

do it missus...

honey it can't be any worse than the system you're working with now...

she laughs, then she picks up her pen...

blank stare...

then she starts crying again...

then the blank stare again...

tossed it right in the burn barrel...

there's like a dozen copies of it in the back of her closet... 

yes vinyl and CD and DVD and VHS and on digital download from Spotify... 

oh and I think it was downloaded onto her daughter's old iPod she can't find anywhere...

and all 5 of her laptops... 

and the 3 PCs out in the airstream... over by the well...

let's watch...

will she hit her head on that branch for the 10th time today...

then curse and threaten to go get the saw and then forget before she gets to the kitchen door... 

she ducked... 

none of us would ever have predicted that...

D wins the immunity necklace... 

shhh, she's reading us the riot act monologue...

did you remember to turn off the hose over by the well... 

did you remember to turn on the well...

oh yes missus I turned on the guy over by the well...

and he'll be back tomorrow to chop wood... 

he looks familiar... 

here's a message from mord...

her ex is finally ready to make his confession... 

throw him through the moon door...

but first remind him that, contrary to prevailing old crone  opinion, I gave him children... made them out of my own flesh & blood... and that he will owe me FOREVER...

and here's a dozen balloons from your daughter...

and your son-in-law says he'll be by later to fill in the phoenix tattoo...

but what happened to the mermaid tattoo...

Hunter wants to see the contents of the circular file before it goes to the incinerator... 

what color is it...


The Incinerator and the rain naga from scene 43,567 are throwin' down in the parking lot outside hammerjacks...

yeah that's a pretty obscure reference, they're not gonna get that unless they lived in Baltimore in the 1980s ...

ask them if they listened to WHFS...

hey who cut the cord on my record player...

oh look I found a shoebox full of old ticket stubs...




View weepingwoman's Full Portfolio
weepingwoman's picture

these have already been sifted through...



to question my virtue is an act of treason... 

him and the imp are doing an act at McKenna's Treehouse... 

hey look madlibs...

in the back of the closet... 

Christian LaCroix for the House of My Sweet Dakini...

pink patent leather... 


with white polka dots...

in the back of the closet...

hey D I found a hole in the back of the closet...

I'm sure that's where they're coming in...

hey where did those queer eye guys go...

now I lay me down to sleep... 

I heard he can do this thing with his tongue... 

she can do it with anything...

just give her 1 line...

I can't find my voice...

I think she left it over by the well...

has anyone seen D's gloves...

oh no girl those are real...

there were 3 of them...

Tyrion to the set of 300... 

tell Hagrid to bring in the Medusa...

she definitely seems to be experiencing some sort of...

tell him I don't want to talk about my mother anymore...

who let him in here...

he got it from Biff...

he's not a real doctor...

I found this stethoscope over by the well...

she thinks she can control it...

no Hunter you tell her she can't have another piece of birthday cake ...

3000 degrees...

found on Mars...

in her desk in her cave...

in the Himalayas...

is that some new guy she's dating...

no he's gay...

Enhancing Lotion over on aisle 3...

looks like peanut butter to me...

it's completely unintelligible...


nah that's right...

who's the new guy...

I think his name is Miketoo...

we need to hose her down...

bring the pink elephant to me...

too hot...

too cold...

fever of 3000 degrees...

call Dr. Jones...

could be Atlantean in origin...

she has relatives there...

I thought you burned that letter...

she won't open it...

not even the baby aspirin...

probst called...

snookie called...

there's a situation under the whomping willow...

call the creepy grounds keeper...

Scooby Doo Be Doo...

where are you...

I found this mystery machine keychain...

the dam is about to break...

we need another box of Kleenex...

here's the little Dutch boy...

finally took his finger out of the damn dam...

regularly scheduled programming... 

there's a twister coming...

and it's heading my way...

sometimes I grow so tired...

dinner with Led Zeppelin...

at Johnny's place...

on the island of Eros...

ramble on...

nows the time...

the time is now...

wake up D! you fell asleep for a minute and a half...

we had a pact...

Johnny called... 

he needs us...

spotted on the island of Eros...

at the reopening of the viper room...

vip only... 

blue feather boas for the whole audience... 

and spotted faux fur snow lion lined gloves...

hey check out the gift bag...

look it's the mother of undying time...

on the red carpet... 

with the gatekeeper to the unknown...

at the Dakini-themed met gala...

I will be your shepherd in the night...

say it 3 times...

and click your heels together... 

don't give that to her...

it's too early...

can't be imitated...

a new kind of comedy...

surfing the zuvuya...

Aquaman called...

no that didn't work either...

oh no she just pulled the devil card...

ai o dios mio...

and the hierophant...

that's good right...

who's the knight of swords...

is that some new guy she's dating...

Daario Naharis called...

which one...

nevermind send them both in...

he pledges his sword to you...

we should check IMDB ...

or Wikipedia...

or HBO...

do not Google him...

we'll have to shut production down for the day...

GoT marathon...

whoop whoop ...

honey grab that jar of peanut butter...

look it's that cute delivery boy again...

Grandmeister Tarley called...

they need a new props guy at the wall...

aieee she pulled the I've known you for lifetimes oracle card...

so romantic...

stop trying to force feed me...

we could watch GoT and HotD at the same time...


and ozzy found this in her underwater grotto on the island of Eros:
