Memo from D to Don Dra...

The Dakini Project


Ciao Don... meet me for drinks at the Dip n' Dye, Wednesday night, 9pm, I've got a great idea for a brand new shade of lipstick... we can build the entire campaign around it... then after we'll hit Studio 54... Forever Yours, Ms. D

you shouldn't be flirting with him like that, he's married... and besides I saw what you did with that guapo guy under the whomping willow on the night of the pink moon... yes he is unbelievably hot but this is a dangerous game even for you Ms. D... relax missus your secret is safe with me... 


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RE: RE: The Dailies...

and here's the ones from her bedroom...

it comes in all shapes and sizes from XXXXXXXXXS to XXXXXXXXXL..

how big is it....

in every color of the rainbow...

yes size XXXXXXXXXS should fit your hairless teacup poodle...

it has "I have no idea who I am or what I'm doing" in frilly lettering...

it needs to be frillier...

Gordon Ramsay announces opening of his Dakini-themed restaurant at Walt Disney's Dakini-themed Theme Park on Venus...

what's Everyone wearing in New York... 

yes it is Snow Lion... 

yes she did kill it with her own bare hands... 

who's HotD...

is that some new guy she's dating...

who gave her the Dante's Inferno...

who's Dante, is that some new guy she's dating...

that she's really a "one-woman-show" ... 

wake up D you fell asleep for 5 minutes... 

we made a pact...

Johnny's meetin' us at the station...

we gotta make the last train to Clarksville...


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Memo to Everyone #666...

RE: The Dailies 

Ms D said you wanted to be "in-the-loop"... well welcome to The Loop lady...

what are all these 10,001 crumpled pieces of pink paper on my desk... 

yeah that doesn't look right either...

it should be a capital E... 

" or - not both...

yeah that doesn't look right... 

put "pad of pink paper" on the Walmart list...

Walt Disney announces opening of Dakini-themed Theme Park on Venus... 

pause it, I want to get some popcorn for this next scene...

girl make sure it's that SkinnyPop kind...

yeah that doesn't look right...


SkinnyPop called they want you and G & T for an ad spot on Tubi...

I saw him last night, he got a gig playing a Tyke at McKenna's treehouse over in La Chorrera...

yeah that doesn't look right...

no Hunter we gotta stop now before anybody gets hurt...

don't worry D, I've got everything under control...

Johnny call Brad see if he can get Wile for the Belize job... 

yeah that doesn't look right...

his name is Mike, he stands around all day holding an overhead boom and his only lines are...

is it the big fuzzy one, you should tell Biff you want the big fuzzy one...

dammit I ran out of pink ink...

make a note to write "pink ink pens" on the Walmart list...

you'll have to use the one with purple ink missus...

omg HotD is a crazy deep rabbit hole with a tangled web at the bottom...

so what are you watching...

no I don't have Netflix...

yeah those are texts to her daughter, they shouldn't be in here...

quit it D you're rationalizing, those dishes ain't going nowhere... 

only if Damon's in on it too...

don't tell Clooney...

Here's some more Mr. Everyone...

ok no Mr. Just Everyone...

yeah that doesn't look right...

she's off doing her yoga practice from last Tuesday...

and these are her field notes from the Everest trip... 

Lord Tyrion what do you say to the critics who call the project "formless" and "lacking any plotline whatsoever"...

"The Body, Speech & Mind behind The Dakini Project"...

the font needs to be frillier...

can someone please check the spelling on "frillier"...

is that really a word... 

yeah that doesn't look right either...