Scene 3370

The Dakini Project


Look guys you have to understand, it's hard for her... she doesn't like killing things, except for spiders, but that's a whole other story, so you've got to try harder... we're all in this together, we must try to keep peace in all of the 7 Kingdoms... please guys, for the sake of the realm... Thank you Lord Tyrion for explaining the situation to us in simple terms.. she doesn't mind our company, she doesn't like cleaning up after us... CUT... are we sure it's not "7 Hells"... Scriptboy!... and let's get the voice coach down here, Lord Tyrion still sounds like he's speaking parseltongue... and the bindis still aren't sticking to the mice... oh no honey that's REAL, I saw it on Instagram this morning and it is gorgeous... Gibbs call Biff over in props, tell them we need a stickier glue... I don't work for you... Drogo you're wanted on set... tell ScriptEditor she's not there... I thought we were supposed to call her they... no you have to call her they, I can call her she... where the f*ck is Biff? we need a case of dynamite for Scene 5476... I heard she's in Belize with Ms. D and Hunter, they won't be back til next Tuesday... I can't shoot this picture alone people!... oh it is FOR REALS, she showed it to me when I did her hair for the Old Valyrian shoot... flawless, Amitabha cut... yes girl it is exactly the same color... did you see what she tweeted, how she only wears that shade for him, oi it's so romantic... does anybody know where She is and when She's getting back... 


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RE: to the guy who just pm'd me...

I don't know what you're talking about... Tyrion is the name of the guy who does my hair... he's the only queen in the 7 Kingdoms who can handle these dreads... he owns the Dip n' Dye downtown over by Studio 54... every Wednesday night is drag nite...


does anybody know what the plural for bindi is... yeah and we should probably google "Dip n' Dye", that's gotta be a real thing right Gibbs.... why you asking me ese... FactChecker!... oh I forgot to tell you, nobody knows where they is, but I heard they'll be back next Tuesday... you forgot to tell me... hey, I don't work for you... I think you spelled oi wrong... sister get over here, Drogo and The Demogorgon are throwin' down in parking lot U...