she don't wanna talk to you ese...

The Dakini Project


no She doesn't want to speak to you... no She already holds the deed on The Taj Mahal... one moment... (muffled voices, strains of "You're so vain..." playing in the background, a loud high-pitched whine then Dakini's secretary comes back on the line)... She wants the keys to Versailles... and everybody must vacate the premises immediately... 


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RE: to the guy who just pm'd me...

I'm sorry you don't get it cuz I actually peed myself a little I was laughing so hard when I wrote it... here try some of Koa's B-52, it makes EVERYTHING funny, just like he did (RIP kimosabe, miss you, xoxo)...

weepingwoman's picture

RE: to the guy who just pm'd me...

yes I really knew somebody named Koa... yes he really grew a strain called B-52... yes it really did make EVERYTHING funny just like him... wait a minute... is that you Johnny... quit pm'ing me, I don't have time for this right now... yes I am a very busy woman... stop or I'm telling them... what'll you give me not to tell them... anything?... no I already have the keys to The Forbidden City... Jackie Chan gave them to me for Christmas last year... you know what I really want Johnny... yes Johnny THAT one... Amitabha cut, mined in The Pure Land, hasn't been seen for more than a millenia... so you better get your treasure map out and start looking or I'm telling Everyone your dirty little secret... 


I don't know I think she's at her vineyard in Italy... yeah I don't think "pm'ing" is a word... I heard she won't be back til next Tuesday... Scriptboy! no not you, you still write with a crayon... go get me the other Scriptboy!... he's not here... I heard he was in Belize with the boss lady, won't be back til next Tuesday... can you just please tell her they're both named Scriptboy! and it's too confusing... thank you Kali, I'm sorry I yelled at you...