what did you say your name was...

The Dakini Project


To... what was your name again... nevermind it's not important... I accept your apology... yes you may, but it must be Amitabha cut, Dakini Pink, no less that 50 carats... pardon me? you've never heard of an Amitabha cut or a Dakini Pink diamond... be gone and never approach me again... Kali write that man's name down...


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RE: RE: The Dailies...

here's the ones from brunch with Hunter and Terence...

no missus mice cannot go through walls...

Dinklage called... 

he wants in on the Belize job... 

aieee it does sound funny... 

no D mice cannot go through walls...

it's a lot bigger than you'd think... 

oh no honey that old thing broke... 

so Ms. Everyone... 

I had a nice time with you the other night... 

wave it at anything that slithers...

up in the balcony at Studio 54...

this whole place is slithering...

that was me...

we can do that again sometime if you want to...

tell Hunter to build that better mousetrap already...

I have to pee...

she might need to cast a new handyman...

I have to pee...

you get the ruler, I'll grab the measuring tape...

I heard he got a gig playing a Tyke at McKenna's Treehouse...

I have to pee...

Jack Sparrow I knew the wind would blow you...

pause it...

and grab the bag of SkinnyPop on your way...

back to me someday...

oh no D's gone...

a touch of destiny...

I have to pee...

how'd she get out...

get over here now...

the Black Dread and the Pink Elephant are throwin' down in the parking lot outside of Westeros...

we don't know...

we were at the auditions for her handyman...

I heard it makes perfect sense if you read it backwards...

James Joyce called...

plus eleven called from the upside-down...

brunch with The Demogorgon...

entire cast of Stranger Things... 

and the Targaryens...

seen at Gordon Ramsay's etc etc...

at Walt Disney's etc etc...

Ms D is it true that your book only makes sense if you read it upside-down...

golden tickets to The Upside-Down Dakini-themed Rollercoaster Ride...

she's got a ticket to ride...

and I don't care...

yeah I think it's she don't care...

no it's he don't care...

we should Google it...

it's been rewritten by Queen John ...

no its ok he likes to be called that...

I thought it was Ser Elton...

EJ called, he wants to play the part of...

this is not happe...

to say THEY don't care...

yes Dakini mice can go through walls...

and then we saw the mushroom cloud go up...

he called it a masterpiece...

here's to the gods of tits & wine...

yeah that doesn't look right...

we should Google it...


and Indy found this note under the whomping


should I stay or should I go now... 

and these are the footnotes for scene 12,367...

fucking 7 hells... 

the Pink Elephant is missing from its paddock... 

that costume looks so good on you Ms D... 

and Hagrid found this note...

in flamingo blood... 

of Hell's Kitchen Season 666... 

I don't think there's an apostrophe in that...

fuck off and get out of my kitchen...

on the menu for the opening night...

the Pink Elephant is MINE!...

oh no girl that is real, I saw it on Instagram this morning...

uh-oh she put on the Mrs. Maisel... 

yeah that doesn't look right... 

we're done for the day... 

oh look girl Priscilla Queen of the Desert is on Tubi...

ain't you done yet...

here come Mister...

I gotta have somebody right now...

Mister want another look at you...

turn around...

don't talk back to me...

you do what I tell you...

and The Color Purple...

you want something gal...

D had an Aunt named Olivia ...

girl that does not belong in this segment...

you gonna buy anything or not gal...

I just couldn't keep him off me...

he tried everything...

you know how he is...

sure is a nice dress you have on...

nothing but death can keep me from it... 

you cut me and I'll kill ya... 

it's gonna rain on your head ....

it does sound a little like the theme to Jurassic Park...

I need me a man, you hear me...

you never have to worry about dead batteries again...

doordash delivers...

we should get that...

who's doordash, is that some new guy she's dating...

where are you going, we haven't watched Priscilla Queen of the Desert yet...

Don called...

drinks with Roger at the Algonquin...

now get me some more of that bubblin' oil...

and put it in this here tub...

she went to see if she left the hose on over by the well...

folks don't like nobody bein' too proud or too free...

sistah you've been on my mind...

sistah we're two of a kind, I'm keeping my eyes on you...

sistah that headpiece...

she said she left her gloves over by the well...

did you see that...

there it did it again...

what did you call me... 

it twitched...

but then when she pulled that purple crayon out of the pencil case that her dad gave to her for her 3rd name day I knew... 

you got this girl...

after the Cleopatra awards...

oh look there's an Elizabeth Taylor marathon on the bootube channel... 

at least we finally got the pen out of her hand...

it ran out of ink like 2 weeks ago...

girl don't tell her that, I said it was filled with invisible ink Hunter got from Samwise Tarley at the Citadel... 

no he got a promotion...

he's working at The Wall now... 

he demanded they let the wildling girl stay...

and the babe...

he threatened to call Khal Jon Snow...

and have him send that blue-eyed giant across the Narrow Sea...

Louis Louis, we gotta go...


wake up D! you fell asleep for 30 seconds...

we made a pact ...

Johnny called...

he needs us...

we gotta go...

she had to go back for it...

what it was that expensive...

Hunter brought it all the way back from the 1970s for her...

some head shop around the corner from CBGBs...

hmmm extralinguistic...

girl you did not just let her get on dictionary.com...

how can I fit that in somewhere...

Don I'm over here...

what I like wearing the rabbit suit...

smells like popcorn...

girl don't say it ...

call Biff tell them we need more gobbledygook for Scene xyz...

yeah that doesn't look right... 

no that's right...

#42 Increase...

Book of Changes...

we are being helped...

heart steady, free of desire...

imagine that you are sitting naked at the top of a snowy mountain...

during a fierce blizzard...

yes it's real, I saw it on Instagram this morning...

did you see the one where she was levitating...

with David Blaine...

oh I saw him on YouTube, he can do this trick...

and keep your attention...

unwaveringly on your breath...

in out in out...

oh Don you're as good as they say...

has anybody seen my Cleo award...

you left it at my place...

why don't you come over here and get it... 

it's Cleopatra Award...

nah that's right...

the state of distraction has 4 causes...

#1 many activities and tasks... 

#2 despised enemies...

oh honey she's gonna have to give up this practice right now... 

#3 loving friends...

just take that bookmark out...

#4 distractions with no specific focal point...

hide it...

they kicked us out...

over at the Sherry Netherland...

no we can't go... 

Hunter said not to leave her alone... 

Liza seen entering the Sherry Netherland wearing...

the ruby slippers...

Everyone spotted...

yeah we need some other word for spotted...

girl grab her quick before she hits enter...

the faux fur snow lion wrap...

from the new Stella McCartney line...

I'm wearing Christian Siriano...

for House of My Sweet Dakini...

you did not just let her on thesaurus.com...

no she likes it better over at power thesaurus...

more of a selection...

and Indy found this over by the whomping willow...

this life be over soon, Heaven last for always...

is that written in flamingo blood...


weepingwoman's picture

RE: RE: The Dailies...

what there's no more room on your desk...

and he's all soapy...

yes the Dakini Pink one...

from the Domestic Goddess cafe...

with white polka dots...

& Laundrymat...

yeah that doesn't look right...

at Gordon Ramsay's Dakini-themed restaurant...

at Walt Disney's Dakini-themed Theme Park...

on Venus...

thank Kali for cut n paste...

you know there's an app that'll do that for you... 

I heard he was doing such a great job they gave him another line...


let's watch...

can she carry her notebook piled 6 inches high with her days notes...

and her pipe and the Dante's Inferno ... 

and the Pepto, and her [insert name of D's favorite cocktail]...

Pepto mixed with ?...

Amrit Nectar...

girl that sounds delicious... 

what should we call it...

10 inches high...

will she make it from the kitchen to the bedroom...

without making 2 trips...

while juggling? bricks, chainsaws...

dammit I need another set of arms...

down to my last gummy...

yeah that doesn't look right..

he's wearing her apron... 

we don't need dishes, hell we don't even need to eat...

if we quit eating we won't need dishes...

Dakini seen sipping a glowing pink drink at Studio 54...

always keep em guessing D...

they'll never know where we'll show up...

or toilet paper...


you do see what's happening here honey...

has anybody seen the vial of Basilisk venom...

we're looking for a bigger shoebox ...

oh my god Ms D...

when's the last time you cleaned in here girl...

no wonder she gots mice...

wake up D!...

Johnny just called...

he needs us, we gotta go...

lacks plotline & focus...

woman in a bright yellow kimono and blue feather boa...

seen crying at the feet of...

the Virgin Mary statue...

at the Catholic Church in Taylor...

on the bulletin board... 

at the Country Store on Concho Hwy...

Dakini Seeks...

I heard she was looking for a plumber...

found the notes she took while her dad was dying...

save it for the biopic...

yeah we're gonna have to build a bigger boat for that shot...

I heard he got a promotion...

Lady Gaga partying with Kali and Christian Siriano at Studio 54 after the McQueen show...

reorder gummies...

it's a failsafe system D...

a great way to organize your thoughts...

you should try it missus...

this isn't the mitchell hedges skull...

he looks like Lord Varys, but he sounds like Ramsey Snow...

I think it's ay..

almost out of gummies...

you will bring it to me Dr. Jones...

she needs to hit the J harder...

we're out of that...

try some of the Oreoz & Birthday Cake... 

no that one doesn't work for her anymore...

"touch your lips just so I know"...

I didn't know Dave was in town...

oh no Hunter, we're down to our last gummie...

yeah that doesn't look right...

I'll split it with you...

you take it D, I'm still reeling from the experiment at La Chorrera...

"Crash into me baby..."...

put lighters and bananas on the list...

"and I'll come into you..."...

oh no hide the Super Buff Cherry...

is that what she's calling it now...

and these are from over by the well...

some of them are wet...

milady a mixtape has arrived for you from 1984...

the return address says Anthony, Hollin Hall, VA...

she still has naked pics of him...

how big is it...

he's doing the dishes...

"Hello it's me"...

"I'll stop the world and melt with you"...

send it back...

in big pink letters...

yeah that's a pretty obscure reference, they're not gonna get that...

She + T 4ever...

and these were on the kitchen table.... 

under 6 months of mail...

I say they lack vision... 

and your name sounds like it's a nasal passage irrigation system... 

go decapitate him Kali...

you're sure Mistress...

my sword is yours...


yeah there were like 10,000 of those...


and those too...

what language is that...

Portuguese? Swahili?...

Swahili sounds funnier...

have wardrobe send samples of yellow silk to...

dammit this pen is running out of...

The McKenna Center for Psychedelic Psilocybin Psychical Research...

& Studies...

& Biosphere of rare psychoactive plants...

and rare books...

reorder Dante's Inferno and Devil's Mistress...

forgive me father for I have sinned...

and Dark Rainbow...

and Indy found this under the whomping willow...

I waited but you never came...

oh she came honey just not there... 

and not with him...

here's a note from Ms D...

I don't know why I didn't come...

and these are from yesterday...

relax missus we don't gotta be anywhere for like 2 weeks... 

you were supposed to be taking notes... 

Everyone was at Studio 54... 

seen walking into Studio 54 dressed like an Egyptian... 

he left a bottle on the counter...

he named it after her...

aieee like the song...

My Sweet Dakini's Delight...

it's so romantic...

and just look at that color...

yeah that still doesn't look right...

doing the twist with Ms D and DD and DL and We like they did last summer... 

oh no she just pulled The Tower card... 

you should come with us sometime Mr. E... 

oh no she found his picture in a shoebox in the closet... 

the one that was ducttaped shut... 

yeah that doesn't look right... 

when she was cleaning... 

girl that is not what she was doing in there... 

it tastes just like the Boone's Farm Tickle Pink we used to drink when she was a teenager...

decapitated body found in Silver Creek...

State Farm is there...

and for godssakes don't let her watch Jersey Shore...

aieee that Pauly D...

girl that hair...

Pauly D spotted at CBGBs with Ms D and DD and DL and G&T and We...

no it's not too much...

yeah that doesn't look right...

can someone please check the spelling on "CBGBs"...

Liza waltzes alone at Studio 54...

"Where'd Everybody go?"...

did you leave her by herself again...

honey you can't do that...

but the dishes...

where the fuck is Johnny with the Amrit Nectar...

I'm going to Walmart for more Nutella...

and batteries...

someone try and pry that spoon out of her hand...


hey Jake from State Farm...

somebody needs to take that jar outside...

Ms D said not to touch it...

fucking hell...

My Sweet Dakini reveals...

at the McQueen show...

"I'm speechless"...


there's green fur growing on it...

a thousand pens in this...

the skull does not speak to everyone it seems...

house and not one...

of them...


her mom used to say that...

we will turn you into us...

you won't even know it's happening... 

Indiana Jones it's about time you showed up... 

Johnny call Brad, see if he can get the McKenna Brothers for the Belize job...

and Survivor...