Occam's Razor


Seeing the flaws in the system

What the cosmic problem is, 

   the simplest way to solve it

What good is this sight but to sit back

   and say to myself  "So what?" 

Self-fulfilling prophecies 

   make the world go round


Author's Notes/Comments: 


"By cutting through misconceptions about the 5 sense objects, (I) prevent clinging to the 5 bardos, (I) recognize sickness & suffering to have subsided, (I) turn the 5 negative forces into helpers, (I) block the gates to the hells and crossover the abyss of the 6 classes of beings, all at the same time" - Treasures from Juniper Ridge (parenthesized so as to be made absorptive)


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. Many Blessings Friend!

Be Well & Thanks for stoppin' by_()_