Thoughts in the bedroom

Anger sits In the tree, never quite in reach,

As Sorrow lazily swoops through my window, being complacent in my bed,

Fear waits beneath the sorrow. Lurking eyes watch Hope slip under the door frame,

As one door opens,

Well it closes again.


Revival is captured by Silence,

Pleading cowers in the corner,

As Last Chances are crushed by Words.


Disappointment follows Blame,

Both straddling clear vision,

Self-doubt embraces me, welcomes no escape,

And Survival laughs, making way for Regret,

Who pushes Memory forward,

He sits with me,

We sit. 

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nightlight1220's picture

Nothing is what it is cracked

Nothing is what it is cracked up to be---you can take that one to the bank! The poem is really nice in that it brings out the disappointment felt when we believe life is anything more than what is in the moment. Well thought out and written. I like how you wrote 'Silence' and "Blame" ---threw them in there as they should be---'passing aires of emotion' Nice sh*t here.


...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "