
She's the coolest,

Shes the best,

She lets you live your life.

She doesn't yell,

She doesn't tell,

But now her guys corrupting her.

He yells at you,

And calls you names,

All of which she believes.

They're all lies and untrue,

But not in his eyes,

And to all those guys,

They think you're a hoe,

And that your easy,

Even though you not the one who is sleezy.

It was fine before,

Until one night,

There was ONE stupid fight..

Towards the end it was ok,

Until the very next day,

One phone call,

that changed your life,

All because of a misleading.

Your not allowed in their house,

Which really broke your heart,

You and your best friend they try to part,

You cry your eyes out hard.

Now you feel hate and pain,

You don't know what to do.

They want to tell your parents,

but they'll get in trouble too,

You try to relax,

Listen to the music,

And just forget all those backstabbing fools.

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veroni's picture

this peom is so true about all that shit!!

Aubs's picture

Woah. intense. I like the whole listen to music part lol

Piper Johnson's picture

This is a good poem. I would like to have a little more insight on what is happening though. Unless you want to keep us wondering. It has a thousand different ways of going somewhere. Keep up the good work.

Irina K's picture

dont let others tell u how to feel-its ur life n u live it the way u want to. u always have. uve never taken shit from ne1 without giving them shit back. love ya bm!