this is the end

It always disappears when I need it the most.

These paths cross but they're never one and the same.

I should just leave because I can't stand another day.

There's nothing here that should ever bear this name.

These eyes see things you'll never see.

One day it wasn't like this.

I wish that day was here again.

Now nothing ever crosses the line.

Everything just leaves me behind.

I wish someone would just look twice,

Instead of always passing me by.

This is why I make this exit,

Although you won't see me go.

That is why I'm dead and empty,

So I don't really need to die.

This is all I've never said to you;

You wouldn't listen anyhow.

And this is the end,

Now I must leave you

Even though you never knew I was here.

This is the end.

I'll have no more of this.

No more looking for what I'll never find.

Always wanting what I can never have.

Wanting to tell you anything, but never finding the words.

Wishing there could be anything, but always left with nothing.

So this is the end.

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Lyd's picture

Wow, Justin. This is really good. You truely have a knack for writting. I look forward to reading more, and commenting when the evil math loving puter gremlins stop kicking me off line.

Megan's picture

awesome awesome babe, i love reading your poems!

tehbesto's picture

The diction of this poem is quite interesting. The words I and nothing appear in every piece of the poem which leads me to believe that it is written from a first person point of view and the speaker is speaking of nothingness.

Missy's picture

This is a nice poem. It has good metaphors, and good repetition. I enjoyed it.