a wooded area (16 square acres)

is it acceptable?

maybe it is not quite so to eat a tree

not quite so a treat, for trees are wooden

were washington's teeth to be wooden might he consume a different pair of teeth instead

for wood might not be as unusual and/or foreign to him

because wood cannot consume wood, shall it consume only itself

eat food.

this is as apparent as the air is so, i am sure of such things, but many things i am not so

two turntables, i think so, or rather it's all station to station, my morning version of javelin

this afternoon normality, has quite increased into a formality

gravity, i only said that word because it rhymed

but not quite every time

use your brain.

it’s not your fault.

this paper is indeed folden, the formation of 16 squares is as apparent as the first stanza.

light a flame for each one, and the fire is eternal.

i'm internally nocturnal, but only when i wear thermal

if i was a triangle, i'd be isosceles

socrates, he was the spokesman for nabisco

those are crackers, not cookies, keebler is the elf one

remember the postulate? you mean the alamo, right?

this is a place in texas, probably

a war-time conflict took place in that section

and in the forest, maybe some trees are congruent

swahili, being a language in which i'm not very fluent

derive sadness from rain.

remember the board game called grape escape?

well, there's a playstation game called ape escape

and marlon brando was in a movie called the great escape

the common denominator being the word escape

thus, creating a bit of linkage between the three

they bond much like the stocks

the market crashed on wall street

it was terrible, too many people were stealing watermelons

and alas there was a vault.

and when i'm down, i always go to green acres

there's a lot of basketball players on the los angeles lakers

the ball they could scoop, placement for the hoop

eat raisins for pavement, they were angels also

they weren't in the outfield.

i, not really knowing why, those gasoline and cherry pies.

it just put me in the right mood.

eat food and use your brain

it's not your fault you derive sadness from rain.

and, alas there was a vault, it just put me in the right mood.

it was just the right time. just the right place.

let's get this started.

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deborah's picture

Postulate, mitagate reticulate, dont be late
it's always something you did not contemplate.
Perhaps something that you ate, pragmatistic
surrealistic sir conquistador, blah blah blah...and so on and so forth, von Voighdt Seven esq, etc... your name's insane, but you aren't to blame. reality is rigourous, a pain - a virtual strain, to derive sadness from the rain.

Missy's picture

This seems rambling. There are many good lines, "light a flame for each one, and the fire is eternal" and "derive sadness from rain", but they dont fit into the random chatter of the poem.