
Living her life, trying to please.

but Mommy and Daddy, they never see.

A child only six, looking for love,

broken little heart, sent from above.

Daddy please look, I made this for you,

colored with love, he never knew.

Mommy, can I help you cook today,

Mommy never even looked the angels way.

Feeling so lost, wanting their love,

Stead fast praying to the heaven's above.

All she wanted was to be heard,

ignored by the two, never a kind word.

Later, that fall, her little heart became still,

doctors told the parents, she was terminally ill.

Nothing they could do but to let nature take its course,

the look in Mom and Dad's eyes, not of remorse.

The little angels wings had grown too weak,

still she had to make the flight, for her Father to meet.

The angels gathered her up, and took her in the night,

away from the loneliness, away from the fight.

Through the gates she strolled, unto her Fathers feet,

her wings all broken, as the father did speak.

"Welcome home dear child, your battle is through,

need to size you up, for some wings of new."

Soft as her heart, the new wings did feel,

she marveled at the size, as the Heavens stood still.

All the angel's gathered around, in harmony they did  sing,

as the littlest angel, got her new wings.



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i love this poem
because it is so
very beautiful .