I am caught in a ocean tainted by the fierceness of a storm
Raging and swallowing every life in sight
My personal armageddon, the world's consequential horror
To lose and have lost--I have been
The abundant and bright sun does not glisten anymore,
But stain the very living corpse that I am--
And exist to be--
As I become--
What i've always become.
I am lost, with hands once extending,
Now lost.
To take upon a sword would be something inviting,
But yet fearful would the virgin be in the eyes of the tainted
And criticized would she be for wallowing in the existance of youth.
Youth you say?
With each tear and evil grasp, I shudder.
I never thought at the age of twelve,
I'd undergo such tulmultous horror
Serpentines and figure eights,
Circles and unending ovals
You think me troubled--
But only I have the lines to continue the broken line
Lonely, am I.
Have I spoken to many this morning?
Never have I, and never will I.
I wish for something I can never have,
And what I do have, is slightly getting old.
A problem.