I Need You

I'm so in love I can not sleep at night

When eyes are closed my mind is filled with sight

The sight of you does dance within my head

And ever image falls on me in bed

Awaking from unrest at rise of sun

I relies what these thoughts of you have done

I know I've lived my life thus far in vain

For all I do without you brings me pain

But non-could ever love as I do now

With all the soul my body will allow

It's hard when heart is hurt and stomachs tied

To eat this food for life, God knows I've tried

But it seems less important every day

When hunger lies in mind and mind's away

I can not think when you are on my mind

each word I wish to speak I can not find

every breath I take is harder than the last

This pressure falls unbearably to fast

And all I do or can do for that sake

Is think of you to make this pressure break

In doing so I am no longer bound

For pain is lost when in my mind your found

I can not sleep nor eat nor breath this day

nor the next if you push my love away

All that is you I need and need it all

For without you I fear that I will fall

To die from lack of sleep is ne'er heard of

But it has been to die from lack of love

Starving men lack food upon there tongue

And many soldiers die from wound of lung

I do not wish to die so cruel a death

Awake and hungry and so out of breath

Alone and lacking love from one so true

For this is how I know that I need you

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Hey, omg you don't know me or anything but i wanted to tell you, this poem is amazing..i love it...it makes me think of the way i feel for my boyfriend andrew....awesome poem...Bye!