Opposite Day

Remember opposite day

That children’s game to get someone to say what you wanted them to say

It would always work but in a round about sort of way

It’s so much easier to tell someone something on opposite day because if they don’t like what you say all you have to do is say it’s opposite day and all you said becomes reversed

Well today’s opposite day

So when you told me that you loved me I didn’t believe you

And I pretended not to hear because no matter how many things I do to show I care the truth is I really don’t

Remember today’s opposite day

And at recess I told you to get lost and that I never wanted to speak to you again

Because whenever I hear your voice no matter how good a mood I’m in you make me feel horrible

But today’s opposite day

And no matter how hard I try I just can’t stand being near you

I feel so much better when your not around because when your hear I can’t just dismiss you as a figment of my imagination

So once you realize what I just said remember today’s opposite day

Author's Notes/Comments: 

written as a set of three along with "you are the world" and "simply because."  I wrote these three peices in a total of about ten minutes.  I went to a poetry slam and was dissapointed to see that they were all freeform poems.  I read one of my poems and the audience didn't seem to appriciate them at all, so in order to make the people happy.....which I never should have cared about in the first place, I wrote in free form.  I found that it was too easy for me to write this way.  I didn't have to think about them as much and I think because of this I tend not to perfect my words on the page.  Sorry if you do not think that these poems are very good....I don't think they are either...but I might as well post them for lack of something better to do with them.

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Kathleen Kelly's picture

i really like this one. my brother and i used to play that all the time. i like the deeper meaning your found in it. i had never thought of it as a defense mechanism, but it totally is.

Kim Swan's picture

I like how this poem is set up- the point of the poem is really creative/clever. I enjoyed this one b/c I can relate to it :)

Becky Blomgren's picture

Oh, poetry slams. Yes, those audiences seem to really know what they like. And freeform is where it's at. I like this poem actually (even though you play it down). I really like the concept. Opposite days were the best (and most confusing). I just really like the way you play with the whole opposite day idea. Very nice.