hush little angels, hush

hush little angels, hush

or you might wake up the gods,

your wings are fluttering

making currents in the sky,

your laughter is sending message

into the winds,little creatures

are restless welcoming your scents

are you not tired of picking colors

from the rainbows

are you weaving some magical dreams

to those in slumber

what are you doing to the constellation

of the stars

will there be magic when I open my eyes

be still little angels, be still

it's the only way I can hear you

pick me some flowers from the

gardens of this universe,

and show me how destiny plans the disguise,

so lover's are finally entwined

please guard me tonight when I'm asleep

and let me dream of the one man in my life

and one more time may I feel his sweet embrace

then you can sing us your favorite lullabies

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this upon awakening from a dream,at dawn when the night was still, and my angels beside me?

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vilmazab's picture

indeed, one of the most touching poems you made,so romantic and magical. It makes me smile and makes me feel good inside, make more poems my best friend..abeng quitos

vilmazab's picture

this is by far one of my favorites,please continue sharing your God given talent.... Mitos Teves

vilmazab's picture

wow bing, very touching,thanks for sharing your beautiful work and don't ever stop creating and using this talent and bringing joy to the world.

Lu Ty

vilmazab's picture

thanks for sharing,very nice poem.

Alice C.