A struggling poet

Oh! to be in poetry and to be writing

there's no denying it can be trying

so very stressful and so confusing

I don't know why I'm still composing

day in and out I scrambIe for the book

to find the right words and spelling

not to count the story that I am telling

I even have to watch my rhyming

but in the still of the night when I am writing

my words and thoughts are conniving

they seem to be jumping and serenading

I am in awe at what they are creating

I may be a struggling poet

and I don't know if my critics are enjoying

they can be laughing or maybe crying

but I am in love with what I'm doing

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Lesa Gay's picture

Your friends are enjoying your work you can be sure.

To be in love with writing is a real source of self satisfaction and while we would love for eveyone to love our work, we must first write for ourselves and love it ourselves. If we find a few along our way that loves it as well, then the circle is complete.

I have written in my so/so style for many years now. It is also the love of the presentation for me. To give my readers a little extra or perhaps it is because I am afraid my words would not stand on their own. LOL I just know that I can only be who I am when I come before my keys, and I thank you again for being one that continues to come to read my efforts. I am finding reads, but few comments. I think my long windedness (is that even a word? LOL) and the presentation scares them away from coming back to me or even leaving a line. That just may have to be the way it remains because I cannot change.

Your work is always wonderful and you have every right to be proud of what you see before you.


meso's picture

You could be a struggling poet Velma, but you're doing just fine, composing such beautiful poetry. Milton.


Kay ROBY's picture

I like this poem, the first verse especially. Lovely job. ♥

Afzal Shauq's picture

great idea and the flow of poem is so impressive.. well done friend... your poetry is more more improving. its good to be stepping ahead.. love this poem

heatherburns35's picture

Have been reading some of your poems. like them a lot.
Thanks for reading mine. don't ever give up. I won't. I am
always trying to improve my verses.