A Real Man

this is a lovely story

a light and endearing story

we had coffee and buns

three women and a man

and one posed a question

how do you mend a broken heart?

one said,oh to have another love is the best

the other said, I'm making money, so much money

and I said, I'll let destiny decide

we were waiting for the only man to speak

it took him a while to answer and with a sigh

he said, I make it easy on myself

and all I do is cry

speechless, we all agreed

what a real man indeed!

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heatherburns35's picture

hi Vilma,
I tend to agree with Phil. Nice poem. thanks for
commenting on mine,
Your Friend in Verse

phil_carcione's picture

I don't know if it ever truly mends.......I think we just learn to live with it.