A Dear Brother


I watch you suffer in silence

with your eyes in tears and glistening

pretending that nothing is happening

but deep inside I know you're dying

The Doctor's said you'll live for three

more months, so make use of your remaining

days, eat well, love most, and always remember,

to pray and wish that you'll live longer

You are my older brother, the only one who's

always looking at my shoulder,day and night

you would order, for me to take care and be


Together we would watch the movies

and talk until we loose our voices

and when I married my dear hubby

you were so happy cuz you had the same hobbies

I dread the day when you'll be going

who else can I talk for long, long hours

will you come and see me when I'm older

so when it's my time to go,we will still

be together

To you my beloved brother: Alfonso Eltanal

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Lesa Gay's picture

This is so truly beautiful and your love for your brother burned brightly. I am so sorry that you are loosing him. I am facing that now with my Mother.


vilmazab's picture

It pains for me to write this, but better written than
forgotten,that I have a brother,love by so many, with a family, one in a million,who cares for you like no other,
so now I say to you, this journey in life will not yet end,cuz as the saying goes, the best is still to come.