Let my poetry begin

I said goodbye, didn't I

there were those boundaries,weren't there

it was a mistake, wasn't it

I was so vulnerable, and I knew this.

you were so bored, weren't you

you got depressed,you did say so

nothing else for you to do

so when we met, what did we do?.

We became friends,oh! that was swell

talked so long, and all was well

until the time

when we realized that

honor and name, is what count most in this life

and so my friend,I thank you most

for the time we spent,and the insights we shared

but most of all, you came to me for

a reason so clear,let my poetry begin!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

To a friend who does not even know that I owe this beautiful portion of my life to him. A love for poetry that will stay with me till eternity. Thank you so much.

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heatherburns35's picture

Hi Vilma,
People come into our
lives, for many reasons.
When we need them the most
They are there to help us
in the hurdles of life.
Good thing, I guess.


vilmazab's picture

I would have wanted to comment here, but felt it is written for someone special, but maybe now is the best time to tell you that everything that happens in this life has a reason, and what you wrote is just an affirmation..good work,PG