i rest my case

i ask a good friend a question

i have been wanting to hear the answer

why can't i memorize my poems

when the words are from my mind

the inspirations are from my life

and the stories i know so well

she gave me a beautiful answer

which calm my wondering mind

an answer so vivid

that made me stop and think

she said, don't worry bing

you may not remember

but by now,somewhere out there

lovers of poetry, lover's in love,

a soul looking for an inspiration,  have

memorized your poems by heart

and to this, i rest my case

Author's Notes/Comments: 

thank you trin, you are wise beyond your age, how could i miss this,when it is the answer i long to hear in my poetic life.

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Besides resting your case,you should also love your poems
and with concentration you can always reproduce any of the titles you already pened down. Success.