Your Guess, Will Be As Good As Mine!

When I am asked which are my poems, Bing?

I answer with a smile,cuz deep down inside,

there lies the mystery of Poetry.

You will never know if it was meant for you,

You will never guess, what's in my mind,

You will never know, unless you really cared.

But aren't these the words, I whispered in your

ears, when we were so much in love?

Aren't these the same promises, we held together?

Weren't these the kisses I blew, everytime you

said goodbye? And wasn't these the same dreams we

shared together, when we talk of our plans.

So don't ask me where your poems are,but this I can

tell you...You are my poems, I breath and think of

you whenever I write.

And is this poem written for you?

Your guess, my lovely friend,

Will be as good as mine...

             Hope you enjoyed reading!!!

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You get better as I read along, in every line that you say, I can relate to some of your poems. You write very well Bing.

Myrna Ramos

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i like it !!!!!!

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never presume that this is not for you, I may not have kissed you, I may not have loved you, you never even knew me well,but while writing this, you were also in my mind!!!