no problem

no problem, it's okay, really okay

no problem, it's fine, it's cool

why is it easy to always say, no problem,

it seems that all the worries are erased

in a breeze,and all commitments are just

written in the sand.

is it a way of escaping what our hearts

are feeling,a way of conducting in a

proper decorum,a way of easing someone's

hurt and problem,a way of forgetting one's

fulfillment and a way of surviving life's

harsh trials and test

or is it a shortcut to what we don't want

them to know, deep inside we are really

hurting, it cuts so deep, it penetrates

inside, and since we are nice, we spare them

the knife, and we alone suffer in our silence

so next time you hear, someone tells you

no problem,think once, twice or thrice

and look at her straight in the eyes

and don't ever wonder

if deep inside....her heart is dying

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as usual my heart skipped a bit,thank you,you are one of my blessings. Mitos T.