Good bye!!!


Goodbye my two favorite friends, I only knew you too short a time and yet, It seems that I have known you for so long. It was one summer day 2 years ago, that you knocked on my door, we were both strangers to each other.And yet, you had that kind and hopeful faces, trying to be as gentle as the wind in the air.

It did not take long, for us to sign our contracts and in a few days you were both in my house, in my life and in my bank account. You were wonderful tenants. Clean, quiet, reserve and did not want trouble in any way.

We would have dinners and lunch, and my friends became yours as I became friends to yours too.Oh, it was fun and our friendship was an ideal one, if you thought that pigs were roaming down below my house, then I would search it to high heavens, rain or shine, night or day. But of course we settled that right? And we knew where the pigs where.LOL.

Now it is time to say goodbye, you do not want to leave my place but, the times have changed and, off you have to wander to farther seas and farther continent.All in the name of Business,that takes priority over all your social, and personal life.

Goodbye my friends, and always remember that somewhere in those friendly, and peaceful hills, you have a friend you can call, and say Hello.... Until we meet again.

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9inety's picture

it's hard to say goodbye


"One of the best results of life, is the torment of love"

Dylan Eliot

heatherburns35's picture

Very sweet Vilma. They were so
lucky to have you for a friend.
