When hope is in your heart,

And hope is in your mind,

Then I think you are alright,

And I think that you are kind.

Cuz hope, is a feeling,

We need to survive.

It is an emotion,

We need to be alive.

Imagine you and I, not having it,

Imagine our dreams, somewhat vague,

Imagine life, without it,

Then death is welcomed,

The only thing that springs eternal.                          

View vilmazab's Full Portfolio
heatherburns35's picture

Hi Girl Friend,
Sooo glad to see you back. WELCOME.
And to know you are well. Love
your poem. Words are very true.
As always hope/victory. hahaha


Ruth Lovejoy's picture

i totally agree with what you say here. Though times challenge us keeping hope it's something we have to do to survive

Afzal Shauq's picture

sweet poem.. good written and impressive way of writing,..enjoyed it

heatherburns35's picture

Hi Girl Friend,
Sooo glad to see you back. WELCOME.
And to know you are well. Love
your poem. Words are very true.
As always hope/victory. hahaha


heatherburns35's picture

Hi Girl Friend,
Sooo glad to see you back. WELCOME.
And to know you are well. Love
your poem. Words are very true.
As always hope/victory. hahaha
