destiny will be kind

why are you running

where are you going

what are you thinking

when are you stopping

this is so sudden

this decision you're making

what made you do it

why are you scared

are you sure this is the way out

will the pain lessen

will the memory cease

these moves are so sudden

why not just get some anesthetic

and wrap yourself with a blanket

go to sleep and pretend

you never met him

someday, it will be over

this feeling so somber

will all disappear

destiny will be kind

and everything will be al right

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rosalind's picture

Destiny will be kind is a true reflection of positive expectations,youths will admire this poem, and
will yearn to read it often.

vilmazab's picture

yes, it's every girl's poem, those who were not lucky enough to have a happy ending, so true.
trini here, tita bing