Football is our game


Then they came,robust and all so gregarious,

ready to play and ready to win

their faces so full of pride and excitement.

Undaunted to the heat that can bite to the hilt

game one they won,

and game two was a tie,

but Alas! game three was a tie again,

no way to go but elimenated they got.

Back to the benches with tears in their eyes

flushed and so red, so sad and so disappointed.

So not fair, they all exclaimed!

if only we lost, cuz we got defeated

not because of a tie, that were not expected,

but like a true gentlemen, they all accepted

their fate that was granted.

But promised they did,

with a vengeance they will be back,

and this time just watch and see,

for their performance that is unmatched,

and deep in my heart, I know this to be true

cuz football is their game, they really want to claim.

Dedicated to my dearest apo, Llano and Nico,

go boys, go, you played well and I'm proud of you,

most especially mommy Lulu and daddy Jaime.

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Hi, Tita Bing. Thanks for the wonderful poem! You really captured what the boys felt. I'm printing this one for their team mates to get to read also. I'm sure they'll find it so cool!-Lulu