


Known as Digital Monsters-

Is also a

Show on television.


An Anime-

There are crests and

Digidestined; even Digi Eggs.

Light, Hope,

Friendship, Sincerity,

Love, Courage,

Kindness, Knowledge;

Miracles, Destiny,


There are Digidestined

Who know and have

Crests and Digi Eggs.

They knew nothing

About Digimon when

They found out

They were Digidestined.

Tai, Sora, Matt,

T.K, Mimi, Kari,

kDavis, Yolei, Cody,

Even Ken Itchijouji-

They all have their

Crests and Digi Eggs-

They all have Digivices,

As well.

The Digidestined

Become champions


Save the

Digital World.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this Anime poem about my most favourite Anime, Digimon..The poem itself really explains everything about the show and Digimon, in general.

View victoire's Full Portfolio
Sami R-L's picture

Yay!!! A poem about the bestest thing eva! lol
My cell is set up with digi pics!

Good job too! Keep writing and if ypu want, e-mail me sometime. We'll talk about Digimon...

I <3 Takeru!! (Tk)