

As I sit here on the bus-

I'm crying, the tears falling.

I am unleashing my emotions-

Emotions of depression and sadness;

Emotions that even time cannot erase.

Crying because I'm depresssed,

Crying because I'm sad,

Crying because I had a bad day-

Crying without the willingness

To express my feelings to anyone.

I sitere crying and

Thinking about why life has

To be this way-

Has to be so fragile, fragile and small.

Thinking of my first love,

Of my recent best friend,

Thinking about my girlfriend-

Reliving all past things

That used to haunt me.

I sit here crying,

Letting all feelings leave my soul-

Leaving me behind to feel

Numb and frail-

I have cried until I feel nothing.

As I'm crying I think

About getting an eating disorder

Or why I'm feeling this pain-

This pain is just too real;

I feel nothing but pain.

Crying, I am crying;

Crying, I am hurting;

Crying, I am in pain;

Crying I am hearing voices;

Crying, I am numb.

I am crying because my life

Is full of pain, suffering and hurt-

Full of lies that people tell me;

I am crying because

I don't want to release depression.

I am hurting because I am suffering-

Suffering because life is too dull

For me to not be depressed and hurt;

People tell me so many lies

That I start believing what they say.

I am in pain because I am depressed-

Depressed for all the world to see

What I'm going through;

No one cares

That I'm going through this.

I am hearing voices-

Darkness is calling to me;

I hear the voices of the Goths;

But no one cares

That I hear voices-they say I'm lying.

I am numb-

For a cannot feel anything;

Nothing but the pain

That has entered my soul

And into my heart.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Wrote this poem a few days ago..See what depression does to you? I mean, come on, why would I not write about it to let it all out of my system? But yeh, you get the general idea, I guess. I am also hoping that no one takes this as a threat or anything, I've been having a rough time with friends and stuff, so that's why I wrote this poem. I guess. But yeh, that's about it. A good read fer all my poem-readers.

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