Wilted Away


I'm falling, yet no one manages to catch

Me-they don't listen to what I have to say.

My friend betrayed me and now I feel

All alone in the shadows of the dark;

I don't care anymore, everyone can see it

Shining in the depths of my eyes-

Toned down to the darkest colour to touch;

Yet I know no one listens because

They're ignorant enough to be called normal.

Most of my Goth friends don't listen to me-

They're always doing something else instead;

My wrath grows stronger, yet ever so slow-

It doesn't fade into the shadows-

It stays and dominates me as a whole.

Why people are known to betray me-

I don't know-they never tell me the reason;

They're not listening to me-they don't care.

Still floating within the shadows of my wrath,

I grow stronger in my power and ability to

Conquer the spirits of the Goths and

Gain total control over their domination.

My wrath continues its growth-it's overpowering

Yet still in the glow of its mysterious power-

I could care less what the other Goths

Are telling me-but I listen to them

With an open heart that never fails to show

My feelings towards them grow stronger.

Everyone then starts to feel the power of my wrath

In which they all start ignoring me

And I end up a lost, tormented and forgotten soul

Who's wrath overcame everything but never

Held up wits against her own life-

It comes down upon me with great force,

And slams me down hard on my back-

It hurts and causes me pain-

I know; the shadows of the dark

Breathe down upon me and call my name.

The dark force of the Goths have

Withheld me in their greater strength

So I could overcome the world with my wrath.

The Goths tell me it's time-

Time to shed a teardrop and put a light

On a new era of forc since I've become

Their new leader and Satan has retired;

The Goths say that they miss Satan's rule,

And I explain to them that it was his time

To go and rest up until it was time for

Himself to shrivel away in flames.

The Goths say that they are fortunate

I am now their ruler-after so many

Tiring nights and days mortal alive,

I'm finally revived and forever immortal-

My immortality will shame the believers

To a point to where my wrath will consume

Everything they ever did to torment me

Into mere brute force that will

Conquer and destroy their every beliefs

In the Goth world-and I alone

In their terror will stand alone.

My wrath will choke them into

Fatal eternity-they will die in

The massive flames that consume them-

They have by now all wilted away.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this poem Saturday night because of one of my Goth friends betraying me. I just want her to know that I'm still there for her in spirit and will always be watching her wherever she is. If she ends up feeling like coming and actually talking to me, I will let her talk, but if she only comes up to torment me, then I will cast a deadly spell upon her with my Gothic Wiccan force. I don't deserve to be treated this badly from a friend; it just is wrong, it doesn't seem to be to the truth and facts about things and stuff. If she wants out of my Goth group of friends, then she has the right to speak up and do so. I'm willing to let her go, but if she is going to continue to ignore me, then what is her Gothic excuse for not showing up everyday during lunch period to make me eat? Geez...

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Essence Scott's picture

i had a friend who left me in the dust

but if she comes back tryring to get forgiveness, then she needs to go somewhere, because she shouldve thought of that before the bitch left me

a good piece

dolphinlj's picture

do you really practice wicca?