Gothic Girl


There's a girl I know

Who wears nothing but black-

To hide her pain and fears;

She's a Goth,

Everyone knows-

Nobody sees the pain she's hiding within the mask-

She hides it well.

She listens to Gothic music-

Does all the normal things Goths do;

Everyone knows her too well,

They know everything about her Goth style-

But still don't see the pain within her mask.

She cries secret tears only her Gothic friends know-

She carries her pain and fears with her wherever she goes;

Spends hours with her favourite music and best friends,

Does all the normal things Goths do.

The thing that stands out in this Gothic girl I know-

Is that I am her-the Gothic Girl.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this poem after at least an hour of inpiration. I couldn't write anything more on this delicate, but true Gothic poem. All I have to say, it explains my personality.

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Amanda Holland's picture

good poem. just dont sterotype yourself. being gothic is not about being depressed or wearing black. i consider myself goth and i have other emotions too. and i don't mind the occaisonal color.

Jillian Camtasia Carver's picture

You're not a product, you shouldn't be labeled, you're a person.. You are Alexandra

Alan Cheng's picture

As I read this, I was able to envision how it all played out in my mind, and I guess that it explains how good this poem is that you wrote for everyone to see!! =)

AceArtemis7's picture

interesting poem. Wow, it sounds like me a bit...
but good job, very interesting poem.
you're a VERY talented poet, Vic :)

Daniel Kapaun's picture

Hey, read some of your work here, some pretty sweet stuff. Oh and by the by, birthday theif.

James Crawford's picture

You're only what you are and only you know who you are.
Let your pain come out and whether your goth or not will only be relevant on the surface, the deeper you is after all still just human.

Za -'s picture

I irespecty the views and feelings you have for yourself, but I find describing "gothic" people as people that wear black and mope and feel depressed all the time insulting.

Being a person of Gothic culture for many years, I do favor the color black, but I am offended that the subculture I belong to is stereotyped into moody, depressed, suicidal persons.

I am a happy person and I know many happy goths, that love to sing, write and dance.

I don't mean to go off on a diatribe directed at you. Just be careful of the image you portray and who you claim to be. Don't sell yourself short into what society thinks is "goth."

Keep up the writing, your flow and structure are coming along wonderfly, you have a unique and affective use of pauses and commas.


Za -'s picture

*I respect, is what that post should start out reading.

poetvg's picture

i love this
piece it
rulez keep
writing into
the future .