Precious Love


I remember before we got into

A relationship that we were friends

For 4 months- yes that's the perfect

Amount of time for me to have

Gotten to know what you're like.

Hey, I wish first to ask you out-

I feel like I'm on cloud nine;

You've done a lot since I asked you out,

And I'm thankful for what you've done-

I cannot stress it all to you.

How Much I love you is in our

Happy closeness with thoughts-

Best of friendship for so long;

It's been a wonderful time so far.

Hey, you might be a Goth boi,

And me a Goth gurl, we both

Do have good sides to life-

We don't have to be bad

In order to be Goths.

You've gotten to be the best

Boyfriend I've ever had in life-

The others were all thinking

About other matters-

But not you-you are there for me.

Whenever we talk, our closeness

Is surrounding me and

Filling me with more trust than

I've ever felt before for you-

I'm so glad I met you.

Our love is so precious and not fake-

It is as pure as rain

And as free as the wind-

I love you and you the same;

We love the other and probably always will.

Hey, it's our relationship that matters-

We don't need to know about other people's,

Why butt in when we are together-

Why be in this wonderful relationship

And still care about other people's?

When you came into my life

I was crying and alone.

Now we're together and

I am feeling relieved.

We're the "us" I've always wanted-

And of course I took things slow for you.

I trust you a lot-

And always will.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

For my current b/f, Ricky. He's so sweet, yet our relationship so fragile. I've been in a good mood and always will be, because our relationship stands strong. Our relationship seems like the only thing that will ever matter to me in the world. I think that our relationship will become more and more easy once he and I have met for real. I really love him. He loves me a whole lot, too, and I want it to be the best relationship he's ever experienced. This is his first ever relationship and I want it to be happy for him.

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