I went 2 the dentist today

I know that means nothing 2 most

but 2 me it means that I am

coming 2 terms w/ being really solo

I needed my wisdom teeth pulled

last year

but did not go b/cuz I had no one

2 take care of me after the surgery


so I postponed this


U came into my life

so, I decided that I

wanted 2 b the best

me that I could be

so I made the appointment

we were so happy

I told U now I can

get my wisdom teeth pulled

whew-I sighed

so relieved cuz U said

that U got me

but then things changed,so

my appointment changed

my teeth hurt

U were so sweet

things turned so rotten

time has passed & now I have cavaties

cavaties that hurt

and not only in my teeth

Well, I decided that

I LOVE ME even without U



LOVE 4 U 2 B

waiting in the lobby

and witness me

in my most dependent

state of being

cheeks w/cotton resembling chipmunks

slurring my words

possible drool seeping from

the corners of my mouth

lips crooked while attempting 2 speak

anesthesia giggly high

walking like a late night

early AM New York drunk

stumbling into your arms


as U smile away my foolishness and pain

U were gonna take care

of me

I was starting to

in all my independence

depend on U


is what it is

my love is true

therefore my heart still pains

lumps clog my throat

w/reminiscent remembering

as I was given

and readily accepted w/unbelievability

my wisdom teeth removal date

a date w/Dr. Avram

and his Joy-ful staff

on February 14th

how ironic

how real

how wise of me 2 finally follow through

without U

with pain

on a day reserved

for love

On a





Author's Notes/Comments: 

WRITTEN 12/22/04
Thanks Dr. Avram. Happy Valentine's Day 2 me!

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Jada Park's picture

aww girll...i know what u mean about this. But I am proud of you! Feb 14th bLOWS!! lol esp now w/my current situation..and esp cuz its the day after my bday ;-( but itll be ok...

like the comparison u used in this poem.very clevah my dear!;-)