Eventually my friend
I will 4 get your name
forget the magic carpet that
floated U in
from whence U came
NEVER ever land
never EVER man
was I gonna EVER
love so hard
U masked yourself well
my intentions were clear
with U in my life
I finally thought
I had nothing 2 fear
there are always buts
but U blame me the cause
so suffer
I 2 must
the effects everlasting
I can only buy that
4 so long cuz u'r tears
were unseen & made from
stone, no water, not wet
which leads me 2 believe
U were invisible
long termed calloused
by past tense experience
so temporary your thirst & insatiability
excuses, excuses, & more
tall tales which always
derive from the active imagination
the triple f fantasy
the perfection portrayed dream
the undetected illusion
u were just my
disillusioned illusion
my mind is now clear
my heart again jaded
the love it stores however
has not and will never
be faded
eventually is now
your name nearly the product
of an amnesia induced period
I have branded u into
my subconscious
it's 12 0'clock
the pumpkin chariot awaits
I must move on
fuck that glass slipper