I wish U were

encased & confined securely


allowed to swish

back & forth

creating harmless

forceless waves

I wish U were

creamy, thick, & frothy


when consumed slowly

with streamlike flow

U travel through me

I wish U were

this perfect combination

of salted sweetness

unexpectedly enjoyable

like a

chocolate covered pretzel

lover's dream

I wish U were

quickly upon my lips

slowly savored within my mouth

acceptingly swallowed

I wish U were

careening swiftly

down my esophagus

and gently resting

in the emptiness

of my belly

I wish U were

so heavenly

so enticing

so good to the last

I don't want it to end


I wish U were

able 2 induce this

euphoric state of weariness

I wish U were

this evening's fix

4 restless souls

untameable minds


broken hearts

I wish U were

that care packaged blend of

my Gramma's concocting

I wish U were

within me this way

soothin' this way

I wish U were

this glass


warm milk

butter and sugar

Author's Notes/Comments: 

March 10,2004 Couldn't sleep thinkin' too much about how he's(RJ) not with me cuz at least then I was sleepin' real sound.This is dedicated to my Gramma who recently passed. She used to give me warm milk, butter, and sugar to help me sleep. I love you Gramma.

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lovely piece