
let me get

one of those

yeah, uhh, huh...

that one right there...

oh, that looks real good

I can't wait 2 taste

mmm, mmm, mmm

C, I've had many of those

B 4 just not one

exactly like that one there

I mean don't get me wrong

this one is a'ight

not any better or worst

than all that I've sampled

they all taste pretty much the same

(I feel so greedy)

sometimes U know

I like 2 scoop up

what some may call my usual

some have to be

consumed and savored quicker

b/cuz of expirations dates and all

you know

and some well they just

don't sit well

you know

after awhile

like all the rest

they must be disposed of

at the precise time

after they've served

2 satisfy my purpose


round and round

they go

so yeah,

I'm back again

and ..ahhh...let me see...

I'll try, this one,



give me that one

right there....

Author's Notes/Comments: 

written 1/7/04 6:11pm I didn't think that my name was on the menu as a "sampler" some people are so damn greedy

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