Who will tell them

Who will tell the children

that I LOVED them

will they question whether

or not I did

or is it apparent

will it show in their


will they feel it in their


Will they?

Who will help them understand

How I lived my life

who will explain that I wanted

them to inhale

so later in their lives they

won't be waiting to exhale

who will step up to the plate

will I need a lawyer

to defend or explain

Why I did what I did

Who will tell them

who will tell the children

that a house burnin'down

would not deter me from

getting to them

who will tell them

How I struggled to have them

and that is why I chose to

raise them my way

who will tell them

for me if I go before I know


I hope there is no need

but just in case

would you tell my children

that they should never doubt

the strength or sincerity

of my love for




Make certain they know

Make sure they know.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written 12/25/03
My children mean the world to me. I would have no life had it not been for their lives!
I wrote this while vacationing w/ my children and boyfriend. Sometimes children don't know how much you love them until you are gone. I wrote this while thinking of if I ever go before I know. Feel me? I love my children with everything that is me! I hope that they will know. I hope that you will share the story.Thankyou in advance, just in case.................

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wonderful poem
to dedicate to
your children