I possess no crystal ball

I have no psychic induced abilities

I don’t profess to be able to

Read your future


What I do know and

What I do see

Is you

You with all your potential

Maybe you can’t or refuse

To see within yourself

No matter how much you conceal this

I can see

Your wisdom

I see your pain

I see your struggle to remain

This world isn’t what you

Thought it would be

Things aren’t the way they were said to be

You were little


Told that you could be anything

That you wanted to be

You ask

Can you?

Can you really?

I cannot read your future

Or give you’re the answers

But I say to you


Dream long and sleep light

Follow your heart’s desire

No matter how hard

No matter how far off it seems

When you dream you make a plan

For your future

To do what you want to do

To be

Who you want to be

Not what they want

You to be

So I say to you

Be encouraged

You’ve been around the block before

You can do whatever you want

Stay focused

Keep your eye on you

Take care of you

Then do whatever it is

You dream to do

I possess no crystal ball

I have no psychic induced abilities

I do know that

Having you in my life

Is destiny

Dream hard

And sleep light

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written 4/29/03
I wrote this for my night school Literature class to read to them at the open mic.We are having class there.They are an aewsome bunch of kids!

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Karyn Indursky's picture

I don't know if I like the poem or the emotions more. Either way, it's a good well done. It's not often I feel tranquility after reading something, but this leaves me that way. It's sincere, sweet, inspiring, loving, and a true blessing to all those who have read or heard it. Don't stop writing, please.