As Time Creeps to Catch


it creeps so slowly

only 2 catch up 2 U so


like a track runner who once

lagged behind

suddenly has a burst of energy 2 catch

and pass those once before him

so to does time capture U

here u awake into the

present now yesterday

is part of your past

and all you can really do

is look back at where you've

been 2 c ever so clear

where u r going

where U really want 2 b

when giving birth we

breed a whole new being

as did your mother when

36 years ago she labored 4 U

so on your birthday

U may wish 2 consider

each day U have breath

What it is that U

will choose 2 give birth to

whether it's new ideas

new values, new friends, new lifestyles

let the day of your birth

influence you to achieve

a profound newness in your


so you may everyday leave

a trail like hansel & gretel

so others may track

your legacy

and U may smile the

brightest smile

laugh the heartiest laugh

in the knowledge of your existence

as time creeps to catch

Happy Birthday

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written 6/6/02 for Jeff

View vettie's Full Portfolio
Rachel  Marie Tate's picture

This is thought out brilliantly and I have never really delved into and looked at my birthday as the day that I could make a change in my life with a spirit of newness~ After reading this poem I will now think of it every time I have a birthday and try to make a positive difference in my life and the lives of those around you~~~~ I love it!!

Ernest Bevans's picture

Poets we all poets - from the womb
to the tomb. So when someone calls us
poets - well no different from the
label "Man" or "Woman"

What really seperate us the proverbial
"man" from the "boy" then is technique,
and you've got!

The way you use the right words for the
right effect. For example, in the second stanze
"so slowly" with the long phonetic "o"
which slows the poem down till the third line
which speeds things up with "only two catch up
two you" with the short phonetic "o"
which speeds things up. As for your technique
you have skills. And your technique and word
skills certainly set you apart.
Keep writing - Keep the faith.

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