Little tree

Little tree

why do U

call 2 me?

is it b/cuz

U stand alone

in an open


U beckon to me

to look

to watch

to see your inner strength

how U despite

your surroundings

the harsh weather

people wanting 2 cut you down

your leaves fadin'then fallin'

but U call 2 me and say

Look and watch me  g  r  O  W

despite the despites

I, little tree

am strong

Touch me

feel how tough my exterior is

it wards off all, protects thru the many storms

check out my roots

touch and witness how sturdy they are

follow them and notice that they

will lead to my persistent interior

Now watch me be BEAUTIFUL

I'm feelin' good and the fruit

of the earth and rain from the heavens

nourish me

the hues of my leaves

tell that story

soon however, my changes no doubt

will occur

G E T   R E A D Y

to watch me,

W A T C H  M E  I  S A Y

I, little tree am calling 2 U

so U too can learn

2 b


Like me, like me

Little tree, Little tree.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written 12/25/02 Inspired by the little tree in North Carolina on our drive to Florida. I absolutely love trees, especially ones that stand alone in an open field.Like me.

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Little Tree Little Tree was posted on postpoems
in 2001

Little Tree Little Tree
We Wonder where you are
to thank you for the gold sweet fruit
you did weave from distant star.

To Tattva

© Saiom Shriver

2001-10-26 16:04:45