They Came 4 Me

They Came 4 Me

2 day I voted

not really b/cuz I feel

that my one vote will make a significant


while I’m here on this earth

I figure

That someday my choice

Will affect change

For the future

For my children

I hope

Like they hoped

So I walked

B/cuz they ran

Through the deepness of the night

Received 50 or so lashes


Went back by the moonlight

And read

To their young

And hoped

That they would affect change

As I walked

Past my ancestors

Old mastahs

I saw them

In shackles and chains

Filing behind me

Tattered, bloody, clothes

They followed me

with bare,dusty feet

into a place

where they knew they once

couldn’t be

but somehow knew in time they

would be

for through me

and with my children

we pulled the handle


The curtain closed

Behind closed quarters

I Explained this process

To my offspring

And how it came to be

How their ancestors suffered

So we could be free

Have a voice

So I

Made my choices

Grabbed the handle to confirm my vote

I felt the strength

spiritual hands of many

Who came before me

Thanking me

4 not letting their suffering

be in vain

Today I voted

Not b/cuz I feel like

My vote will make a difference

While I walk the earth

But so I can join that line

Behind mine

When I pass through

I voted today



They came for me.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this off the cuff on 11/05/02 after I came from voting. While I wrote I could see a visual of a single file line of my ancestors trailing behind me as I walked into the school to vote.

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Damn, Vettie!!! This line meant the most to me

I felt the strength
spiritual hands of many
Who came before me
Thanking me
4 not letting their suffering
be in vain...

I felt this in my gut, my heart, my soul and I don't even bear the backdrop of suffering, in this light, that you do~
This piece puts history on the page and makes you feel it!!