Eating away

Haven't done it in days,
There are so many fucked up ways,
My friend, me all girls that feel like they need to look certain way,
I see hopeless tired faces all shades of worn out gray,
Baggy clothes because they they no longer fit they just lay,
Look in the mirror watch your self as you sit and pray,
Pray to God that all the invisible fat will just melt away,
Hope this horrible disease won't stay,
Working out five six times a day,
Trying to face the problems that await when you wake up today,
In your head always thinking of the next thing to say,
When the people that love you ask you why you have to be this way,
With the rising fear and anxiety pale face and all you quickly walk down the hall,
Not letting one single tear fall,
As you climb back into bed you feel and hear your stomach call,
Resting there frail and tall,
Taking your fingernails and scratching at the wall,
While all your friends are just hanging out at the mall.

-Miss. Miller

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Anorexia is a serious mental disease and affects mostly girls some more than others I have a friend like this and its a horrible thing to deal with. I think every girl looks in the mirror and sees a little more fat then there really is, I mean I sometimes see myself as fatter than I really am and the best thing to do if you do feel like you need to lose some weight is to eat better its way easier and better for you to just eat healthier.

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Sivus's picture

Good Read

Nice flow with a good message that never strays too far into absurdity for the sake of the rhyme. Thanks for the early-morning read!

v2ourstyle's picture



-Miss. Miller

readmy5tuff's picture

That was really amazing I

That was really amazing I could feel the emotion when I read it.

v2ourstyle's picture



-Miss. Miller

allets's picture

A Supportive Write This

Your friend is a very lucky person to have you - Lady A