
ghosts and purple butterflies

constant ebbing sounds

everything is breathing.

creaks and sighs and humms…

feel the hand that wanders ever so softly lifting the weight around a heavy core

wake up

stand down


tell it yes

holding tightly to an outstretched hand

brief reprieve

silence swallows all

and proceeds to break apart

elegantly floating to the surface in another place

long silky blooms under the window offer safety

loud crashing thunder sets things in

burning fires and laughing under stars that whisper blessings

peeking through corn grass jungles

adorning with the scrap heap

loving weeds and dancing with trees

cohesive cohabitation

hand in hand


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Love This Write

Nature is on sterioids right now, and the dichotomies in nature you painted made me yearn for growing things. Tell it yes, absolutely! ~~A~~